Download Manuali, programmi e altri file
La sezione downloads contiene tutti i manuali, programmi ed altri tool per amministrare il tuo sito.
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Website Planner Kit
This document has been designed to help you consider what you want from your web site. Spending some time working through this document could save you hundreds of pounds later when you change your mind about some of the specifications you first placed on your design.
Dimensione file: 221 kB Guide to Uploading Files via cPanel
If you wish to add or change files on your website and do not have access to ftp then you can use the File Manager in your cPanel. To find out more please download this guide.
Dimensione file: 175 kB Creating Backups
This is a simple user guide on how to create backups of your website.
Dimensione file: 200 kB Basic Guide to Setting Up Email
This is a very basic guide on how to set up your email client, such as Outlook or Outlook Express.
Dimensione file: 207 kB
This document has been designed to help you consider what you want from your web site. Spending some time working through this document could save you hundreds of pounds later when you change your mind about some of the specifications you first placed on your design.
Dimensione file: 221 kB Guide to Uploading Files via cPanel
If you wish to add or change files on your website and do not have access to ftp then you can use the File Manager in your cPanel. To find out more please download this guide.
Dimensione file: 175 kB Creating Backups
This is a simple user guide on how to create backups of your website.
Dimensione file: 200 kB Basic Guide to Setting Up Email
This is a very basic guide on how to set up your email client, such as Outlook or Outlook Express.
Dimensione file: 207 kB